Welcome to the home of podcasting

Welcome to our exclusive VIP Portal, the ultimate destination for podcast creators.

Our platform makes it easy for you to bring your podcasting vision to life with a streamlined process that guides you through every step of the way. Designed to make the podcast creation process as smooth and hassle-free as possible, so you can focus on crafting the best possible content for your listeners.

Pro Podcast Insights

  • Promoting your podcast is essential for attracting and retaining listeners. By sharing your show on social media, reaching out to potential guests and partners, and leveraging other marketing channels, you can increase visibility for your podcast and build a dedicated audience. Don't underestimate the power of promotion – it can make all the difference in the success of your podcast.

    Here’s some effective ways we’ve found to promote your series:

    Headliner - a great way to create shareable content for your podcast series.

    Apple Podcast Pitch Form - fill out and Apple may feature your podcast in New & Noteworthy.

    Canva - create episode and social media tiles for your podcast. (Search podcasts in the templates section).

    Chartable - another great way to run a cost-effective podcast audio ad campaign.

    Spotify’s Ad Studio - Spotify's self-serve advertising platform helps businesses of all sizes reach listeners.

    Acast Advertising - For companies looking to do a campaign ($7k + GST typically reaches 185,000 - 285,000 audio ad impressions) - Let us know if you would like us to put you in touch

  • Podcasting is a highly targeted and effective medium. Unlike traditional media that broadcasts to a wide audience in the hopes of reaching the right people at the right time, podcasting allows you to attract your ideal listeners from the start and ensures that you are speaking directly to your target audience. This niche approach allows you to connect with your key audience in a powerful and meaningful way.

    If your podcast episode receives:

    • more than 32 downloads, you’re in the top 50% of podcasts.

    • more than 121 downloads, you’re in the top 25% of podcasts.

    • more than 478 downloads, you’re in the top 10% of podcasts.

    • more than 1,123 downloads, you’re in the top 5% of podcasts.

    • more than 5,082 downloads, you’re in the top 1% of podcasts.

  • Tap into Australia's love of podcasts and create some of your own. As the world's biggest podcast-listening nation per capita, Australians are avid audio consumers. In fact, a staggering 71% of Australians tune in to online audio each week, with a total listening time of 13.5 hours. This presents a huge opportunity for content creators like you to share your voice with a captive and engaged audience and the only way to do that is by creating more engaging content.

    Here’s some simple ways to level-up your content:

    • Create a podcast email and ask for listener feedback. Speakpipe also allows you to get voice messages from your listeners.

    • Get a new intro and outro package created for your series. This helps keep it fresh and engaging for your audience.

    • Aim for your final episode to be 30-45 mins max where possible. This requires less of a commitment from a listener at a time when many people aren’t commuting as much.

    • Create additional content. If your main series is focused on interviewing others, try recording some short solo episodes. These help you build a better connection with your listeners. Example - The Boss in Heels Podcast.

    • Change your release schedule to fit your needs. Want to build an audience quicker? Change to weekly. Not finding enough time to produce episodes? Change to monthly.

    Apple’s podcast support is a great resource for additional help.

    Get expert advice. The Pro Podcast Team are always here to help. If you have a question specific about your podcast, please email vip@propodcastproduction.com

  • There are several ways that podcasters can make money from their podcast:

    • Advertising: Many podcasters make money by selling advertising spots in their podcast. You can sell ad space directly to companies or use a network to help you find advertisers. Typically advertising companies require 10,000 downloads/month before getting involved.

    • Sponsorships: Similar to advertising, you can also make money through sponsorships. This involves a company paying you to mention or promote their product or service in your podcast.

    • Patreon: Patreon is a platform that allows listeners to support your podcast by making a monthly donation. You can offer different levels of support with different perks, such as access to bonus episodes or exclusive content.

    • Merchandise: If you have a loyal and engaged audience, you may be able to sell merchandise, such as t-shirts or mugs, to your listeners.

    • Courses or products: Some podcasters create and sell courses or products related to their podcast topic. For example, a podcaster who talks about productivity may create a course on time management.

    • Live events: If you have a large and engaged audience, you may be able to make money by hosting live events, such as workshops or conferences.

    • Consulting: If you have expertise in a specific area, you may be able to offer consulting services to companies or individuals.

    It's worth noting that making money from a podcast can be challenging, and it may take time to build up a sufficient audience to generate income. It's important to be patient and consistent and to continually work on promoting and growing your show.

Get expert support producing your idea, the strategy to attract the right audience and benefit from our experience of producing 300+ podcast series.

Ready to launch your dream podcast? The first step is to schedule a planning session with Darcy at Pro Podcast HQ or online.

During this hour-long session, you'll get a personalised tour of the podcasting process, craft a custom plan for your show, and learn about the next steps you'll need to take.


  • Just your podcast idea and any podcasts you are inspired by. From here we can talk more about your podcast name, concept, structure, sound and artwork considerations and next steps.

  • Anyone who needs dedicated support with ideation, planning, host-training, format and episode 01 development chooses to engage with our experience executive producer.

    This allows you to elevate your podcast and refine your message with a detailed process to plan, develop and execute your first episode at the highest quality.

    Get in touch to talk to us more about our executive producer options.


First impressions matter and people will look at your podcast artwork before deciding to listen to your show.

Submit your artwork design brief

Our design team is here to ensure your podcast stands out, attracts the right audience and represents your personal or professional brand properly.  Each option includes multiple versions for you to choose from.

See the difference between Essential and Premium artwork

An Intro and Outro package helps you sound your best.

Submit your intro/outro package brief

Listeners decide quickly whether to keep listening so set the tone, establish context and engage your audience with a custom intro/outro package.

Create a trailer for your series with our premium package to promote and generate interest for your series.

Hear the difference between the essentials and premium packages.

  • The design process takes two weeks to complete with includes initial designs, revisions and completion.

  • We recommend all podcasts have custom artwork designs and an intro and outro package.

    Our essentials offering allows you to achieve that in a budget-friendly way whereas our premium offering allows you to create digital and audio assets that will truly ensure your show is unique and stands out.

    View the inclusions breakdown here

  • Simply email info@propodcast.com.au and we can send through pricing and then adjust your package for you.


You can schedule a recording time for you and your guests here:

Online Recording

An online recording is where we connect you and your guests in our virtual podcast studio. All guests will be sent an invite link ahead of time. Where required, we can purchase a USB microphone for your guests or hosts.

On-location Recording

An on-location recording is where we come to your location to record. Guests can be in-person or we can connect you to them virtually on the day. We bring all the equipment required.

Podcast Studio Recording

A studio recording happens at our Podcast Studio. Guests can come to the studio or we can connect you to them virtually on the day. The studio is fitted with all the required equipment.

  • Recording in our podcast studio or having us come to create a pop-up recording at your location, allows for a premium podcast experience for you and your guests. We handle all technical operation, are there to provide guidance and use industry leading equipment to produce premium sound and audio content, that can’t be achieved at home.

  • We believe video is the fastest and most cost-effective way to grow your podcast series. We recommend capturing video content during your recording which we can then repurpose into social media highlights for you to share when promoting the episode.

    This is then often shared by your podcast guest across social media which allows discoverability and engagement of your podcast series.

  • Simply email vip@propodcastproduction.com and we can send through pricing and then adjust your package for you. This can be done as a one-off for special guests or for each recording.

  • No, all equipment is provided by Pro Podcast unless otherwise discussed.


Audio Editing

Our editing team can ensure you provide a premium listening experience to your audience with expert mixing and mastering of your audio. We can then refine your episode, to ensure you sound your best and that only the best content is shared.

Upload the audio of your episode below.

Video Editing

We can generate engaging video content for you to share online.

Let us know a few key details and we can produce this content for you.

Podcast Trailer

This can be created to promote your series below launch.

Episode Highlight

Get social media assets from your podcast episode.

Full-length Video

Get the full video of your podcast to share.


Podcast Channel Creation

Get ready to blast off into the world of podcasting! We'll take care of setting up your channel and publishing your show on all the major platforms, including Apple, Google, Spotify, iTunes, and your website. All you need to do is provide us with a few key details and we'll handle the rest.

  • Your podcast will be launched onto Itunes, the Apple Podcast App, Spotify and Google Podcasts.

  • Please note, it can take up to 5 business days for your podcast to be approved by the various platforms.

  • Once launched, our team uploads your podcast on your behalf each week. Alternatively, we can guide you on how to do this.

  • You’ll be provided with login details to your hosting platform so you can always access your episode stats.

Meet Your Team

Our expert team is committed to providing a premium podcasting experience.

Established in 2016, we are proud to have pioneered podcast production and value connection, quality and ease. Ultimately, we want to see you reach your podcast goals. 


We’ve partnered with graphic designers, voice-over artists, executive producers and advertising networks for the projects that require it. Pro Podcast Production is proud to offer a complete production solution for your podcast.

Darcy Milne
Head of Production / Founder 

As an award-winning producer who has produced 300+ podcast series, Darcy has the expertise, experience and team to help you achieve podcast success. 

Madi Hodder 
Client Operations Coordinator

To ensure you have a premium podcast creation experience, Madi is here to help guide you through the content creation experience and manage all bookings, communications and inquiries that arise. 

Mathew Fulton
Audio Producer

With 20 years of experience, Matt is here to expertly craft and edit your podcast series and ensure your audience has a premium listening experience.

Paddy Ross
Video and audio Producer

Paddy is here to support and guide you during your podcast recordings.

He's also an expert at creating engaging video content to promote your podcast series.

We’re here for you

To speak to your team contact info@propodcast.com.au


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